On Sunday, my mom and I had an opportunity to take this little girl out for lunch. She is so precious. Her name is Emelda and she is six years old. She is in Infant One at school, which is the first level (equivalent to pre-K). The peace core will be working with her to get her up to speed on her ABC's, numbers and days of the week. Emelda is such a fun loving, six year old. She loves to give hugs and get piggy back rides.
We had a sleep over on Sunday night and my mom brought bubble bath for Emelda. This was her first bubble bath ever and she stayed in for about 40 minutes. She loved trying to "bust the bubbles". After the bubble bath, I gave her a pedicure! I learned I am better at coloring than painting feet! I will keep my nursing job!
Emelda loves playing with the camera. Unfortunately, all of the pictures she took was of a wall or the floor. She is working on the eye, hand coordination!
To end the night, the town of PG was putting on a fire works display. This past weekend was the Cacoa Fest (www.toledochocolate.com), and they ended with the Garifuna drummers and a 15 mminute fireworks show. It downpoured and we had to run for cover! Bruno, a tour guide graciously offered us a ride "to the back". I live in Indianville which is behind PG town. Locals refer to Indianville as "to the back". Emelda loved the fireworks and her face was just lighting up as each one was set off.
1 comment:
awesome blog! love what your doing
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